The Real Changes blog

Author: Konstantin Ovchinnikov

We need older software

Changing linux distributions and hoping for the best

Tags: #linux

@Konstantin Ovchinnikov

Several ideas on global disasters

The question is, what matters most

Tags: #productivity

@Konstantin Ovchinnikov

Installing LAMP – am I dumb?

Trying to recover information from my wiki

Tags: #linux

@Konstantin Ovchinnikov

Choosing a bike, looking for underdogs

Unexpected outcome from a simple web research

Tags: #cycling

@Konstantin Ovchinnikov

Budgeting tips

Managing a tight budget

Tags: #productivity

@Konstantin Ovchinnikov

Commuting on a bike: adventures begin

Cycling stopped being smooth and cheap

Tags: #cycling

@Konstantin Ovchinnikov

Use cases for opensource apps in business

Several examples of opensource apps in a corporate environment

Tags: #opensource

@Konstantin Ovchinnikov

Spending a Christmas eve installing Linux on an old laptop

Is an old laptop any good for Linux and working

Tags: #linux

@Konstantin Ovchinnikov

What commuting on a bike feels like

Based on my experience cycling for 3 weeks

Tags: #cycling

@Konstantin Ovchinnikov

Choosing a web hosting at the end of 2022

Web hosting adventures and analysis

Tags: #hosting

@Konstantin Ovchinnikov

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