Several ideas on global disasters

Usually, I write ideas like this in my private journal. But I thought, maybe I should share this reflection on the 2020-2023 years, the influence of global disasters like Covid and the war in Ukraine. Despite these global events, we continue to experience losses, that can have nothing to do with these events, they just happen and put more pressure on us. Like people just continue dying from natural reasons and there's nothing we can do about it.

  1. Our health and our families' safety are the things that matter the most.
  2. Just making money is not 'cool' anymore and it doesn't make anyone happy.
  3. Volunteering is a must just to handle the pressure from everything that happens and dealing with the guilt complex like 'I don't do anything'.
  4. Doing something even small, but valuable to other people for free is 'cool'. Besides, you can die and no one will remember you in case you were concerned only about yourself.
  5. People are divided into two groups: those who try to hide from reality ('the Instagramers') and those, who try to deal with it. Note: it's not about having an Instagram account, it's about looking for pictures from the 'ideal life'.
  6. Facebook is dead because its management made their choice to pursue popularity no matter what. Now it's a trashy space for people who don't get it.
  7. Western and Eastern civilizations exist in different coordinate systems in terms of values and logic. That's why it's so hard and sometimes impossible for them to deal with each other.

And we have to move on with all this sad stuff.

@Konstantin Ovchinnikov
Tags: #productivity
